Be a Prophet, Not a Prune

I believe many people think that they have the right to say whatever they want at all costs, no matter what the consequences might be, because it is their constitutional and “God-given” freedom. However, may we not forget that speaking the truth requires that we listen to the Truth and adhere ourselves to what He has revealed and taught us in humility. Too often, we have people who use the Sacred Scriptures and teachings of the Church to serve themselves, but they lack true charity and humility. Too many times, we have seen people who say the right things, but their hearts are full of pride and self-righteousness that God is only on their lips but does not take possession of their very inner beings. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, it is very important we know who we are and what we are called to be and to live and be His prophets instead of self-pompous, irritable, and righteous prunes who push people away for the sake of our own self-glorification and self-centered justification.

A few years ago, I saw a homeless man sitting outside a local donut shop in Texas as I stopped to get an apple fritter to celebrate my effective date of duty as an officer in the United States Air Force. I thought that I would get an extra one to share with him. After paying for the two fritters, I stepped outside to share it with him. All of a sudden, he asked me if I was a Christian, to which I answered, “Yes.” He then asked whether I believed in God, to which I told him I was a priest. However, he really did not care what I said! He quickly went on to tell me that he hoped that I would believe in God because this world was coming to an end with all its wickedness, and if I did not believe, I would be going to hell like the rest. Even though I did not appreciate that canned lecture, I thought that I should still offer him the extra apple fritter.  Nonetheless, he told me that he had been poisoned in the past. He thanked me but asked that I carry on.

That was definitely a weird encounter!

Perhaps he was not well… perhaps he had been hurt before and did not trust anyone else. Nonetheless, that was ineffective in preaching the Gospel or sharing the faith. Hence, in a different but very similar mentality and approach, we have seen in recent times a new generation of Catholic celebrities and personalities. There are now a slew of social media personalities and people who either staunchly defend the traditional approach of the Church or try to say that we are not doing enough to promote social equality and justice as believers. Both sides are very vocal and defensive, at times, too, they can become very righteous and condemnatory agains others. Yet, these people, at least for me, tend to hide behind the screen to gain the attention of others. At times, too, they have no problem attacking other people to praise themselves or their views as being the only genuine interpretations of Catholic teachings.

Nonetheless, I have seen that we tend to be very one-sided in our defensive approach to the faith. Furthermore, it is so easy to pick and choose genuine Catholic teachings to fit a certain set of political or social agendas. Nonetheless, our genuine faith never really fits with one particular agenda or political approach! Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world, did not fit into the molds of His own people or the Roman Empire. He was at odds with both sides, rejected and not wanted by either. They disliked Him and, at times, wanted to silent and kill Him, but He did not let their particular views or likings deter Him from being true to His redemptive and salvific mission.

We, too, will be at odds as His disciples. Genuine Catholic teachings will always be at odds with popular political and social agendas, especially popular opinions, likings, and matters. Instead of being frustrated, angry, and resentful but ending up losing heart, it is important to accept reality and continue to be faithful, genuine, and committed to our integral and holistic mission based on the salvation of souls. Genuine faith has to be enlivened beyond the soapbox into our everyday livelihood, interactions, words, and actions — not when we are centers of attention but in our very simple and ordinary service of the Lord and His Church.

I have been a priest long enough to see that vocal and outspoken people are often very broken inside. I have seen too many people who tend to point fingers at others to ignore their own baggage and problems. I have seen too many people focusing on what is wrong in the world without taking the time to humble themselves in seeking true, genuine, and heartfelt conversion to be Jesus‘ disciples. Too many people want to be chiefs and centers of attention, but not many want to be servants and simple disciples of Christ. Hence, we now see many cultural Christians arguing with one another but lacking genuine disciples willing to leave everything behind to follow Him.

To be a prophet is not simply knowing or holding secretive matters or revelations. To be genuine, a prophet needs to listen to the Lord and speak His words with humility and conviction! Hence, we also know that we tend to speak louder and better when we “speak” with our lives of humility, commitment, and discipleship instead of typical verbal words alone. Our body language and livelihood will speak louder and leave longer effects, imprints, and impressions on others than just simple words and ideologies alone. When we speak the truth and lead people to the Lord, we allow them to humanly and spiritually grow and mature, drawing life from Him instead of us or some manmade ideologies, agendas, systems, parties, or beliefs.

It is not easy to be a prophet because we will be attacked, questioned, pushed away, and dismissed by those who want their views to be on the center stage. Jesus Christ was not welcomed in His own hometown! Therefore, do not lose heart and give up. If we meet resistance, remember not to react and justify ourselves with similar attitudes but respond with kindness, commitment, faith, genuineness, and humility because the Lord is the One who sees, understands, and justifies us deep from within. We have to remember that we can lie and win the hearts of others, but we cannot lie to Him, for we know our true intentions.

The Church has always been careful with those who claim to be righteous and hold some mystical prophecies because her wisdom has allowed her to see many similar cases and happenings in the past. She will always give these matters time to reveal their true depths, roots, and fruits. If it is a trend or fad, it will die off! If the leader(s) lack humility, then it is simply something pharisaical to prove someone’s (false or pretentious) righteousness, piety, or “holiness.” St. Ignatius of Loyola taught us one of his rules for discernment: to allow time to show forth the “tail-end” of Lucifer. As a fallen angel of light, he can infiltrate and manipulate our human desires and make them sound very pious, good, and righteous, but the truth will always come out in the end, if it is only to serve our very own selves.

Let us go back to the Book of Wisdom, especially 7:22-8:1. It lists the qualitative transformation of the person of Wisdom for those who seek her. She helps one not only to be filled with intelligence but also to have clarity and an unstained, certain, holy, unique, magnanimous, unhampered, and kind quality in our relationship with God and others. Her way is subtle yet pure, pervading and penetrating all things with her presence. She transforms holy souls from age to age, but most important of all, “she produces friends of God and prophets.”

Wow! Imagine that! In our search for wisdom, we will be transformed into friends of God, knowing and speaking on behalf of Him. We are reminded that we are called to be in a personal, self-giving, committed, and loving relationship with the One who desires to set us free from shallow worldly manipulations and lifeless redundancies. As the biblical wisdom tradition continues to develop, we begin to understand the word “Sophia,” which means wisdom in Greek and is developed and tied with the “Logos,” the Word of God, Jesus Christ. It is He who came to show us who we truly are, not only with empty words but also with real, life-giving actions! In the words of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, we are taught: “Because of his boundless love, Jesus became what we are that He might make us to be what He is. Who was the Son of God became the Son of man, [so] that man… might become the son of God. [Therefore,] The glory of God is a human being fully alive, and to be alive consists in beholding God.”

Through the teachings of Christ Jesus, especially His everlasting love for us shown on the Cross — and each time at Mass with the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist — we are shown who we truly are as children of God. He revealed the true wisdom, nothing hidden or reserved but in plain sight of who we are. His teachings have the power to set us free if we believe! That is why St. Mother Teresa of Kolkata once said: “In the presence of hope, faith is born. In the presence of faith, love becomes a possibility. In the presence of love, miracles happen.”

Perhaps our world is becoming more polarized and vocal but indifferent because we have not chosen to love and allow ourselves to be instruments of His loving miracles for those in need. Faith is lacking within our homes and society because we have not put love into action – only saying this with empty words. Hence, hope is lost, and the world becomes darker when we truly lack genuine faith to lay down our lives and follow and love the Lord with all our hearts. Hence, please let me affirm this again: works of charity and mercy are works of love that are motivated by faith! Without the same faith we professed on our lips enlivened with real works of mercy, we become cymbals and gongs of empty noises.

By virtue of our baptism, we were given His very own prophetic office. We can do all things with genuineness and humility because we truly believe that the Lord is with us. We do not have to be rich, powerful, prestigious, popular, good-looking, influential, or anything of the earthly kind to be disciples of Christ. Our greatest strength and power are not based on worldly measures but on ones that are grounded on His love for us. We can do all things with the Lord who strengthens us!

We are who we are by the grace of God. We become more self-giving with His love. We care because it is our mission and purpose as His disciples. Hence, St. Pope John Paul II said that we need more living witnesses of faith than teachers in this third millennium! He is right. Think about it… If we live according to who we are and what we are called to be, this world will surely be set on fire. If we only care about our own personal happiness, we will become hopeless and resentful, hence destroying ourselves and society and making this world darker each day because we have become individual cells that slowly rot instead of a community that is grounded in loving truth. Therefore, let us not be afraid to live our faith out loud, at home and in the public square, with justice and love, with compassion and truth, with sacrificial and self-giving love and humility.